Getting hacked is practically inevitable these days. Sharing passwords, not having 2FA turned on, and even having little oversight of who else has access to your accounts are no longer viable options.
After a hack that resulted in a $400,000 loss, Aaron Parkinson, CEO of 7 Mile Media SEZC, had to learn the hard way that when it comes to cyber security, it’s ‘better to invest 1% of your gross revenue in cyber security than to be wiped out in one shot.’
Well today I wanted to help shorten that learning curve for everyone along with the help of one of my oldest friends and colleagues, Aaron Parkinson.
But what does that actually mean?
I want to invite you to get a real, honest behind the scenes insight into what running a digital agency actually entails.
From starting it from scratch, getting obsessive, why you should be wary of courses, client relations, building a brand, generating millions of dollars, and so much more...
The ultimate takeaway: Be a Peter Pan in business!
No idea what that means?
Watch my interview with my fellow multi-million dollar digital agency owner, friend, and mentor Aaron Parkinson.
How do you position your brand in a crowded fitness space that enables you to get more leads and build a strong, trusted brand for years to come. Marketing Ninja Aaron Parkinson will be sharing social media strategies that will help you position yourself in the marketplace.
After a hack that resulted in a $400,000 loss, Aaron Parkinson, CEO of 7 Mile Media SEZC, had to learn the hard way that when it comes to cyber security, it’s ‘better to invest 1% of your gross revenue in cyber security than to be wiped out in one shot.’
Well today I wanted to help shorten that learning curve for everyone along with the help of one of my oldest friends and colleagues, Aaron Parkinson.
Today, I talk to Aaron about how he went from someone who only knew how to play sports, bartend and car sales to getting into the entrepreneurial space of helping other entrepreneurs dominate their industry. He also discusses his launch of one of the first online marketing education platforms.
How do you position your brand in a crowded fitness space that enables you to get more leads and build a strong, trusted brand for years to come. Marketing Ninja Aaron Parkinson will be sharing social media strategies that will help you position yourself in the marketplace.